A safe workplace
With us, everyone should feel secure and comfortable in their workplace. The time spent with us should be perceived as enjoyable and meaningful. Job satisfaction increases if colleagues and working groups support and help each other in a positive manner. That’s why it’s so important to counteract and eliminate all types of discrimination, victimisation and harassment in the workplace.

We believe in personal responsibility
The management at BLS has always had a great deal of confidence in the company’s employees, and therefore it feels only natural to give everyone a large amount of responsibility. When employees feel they are supported by the company, they feel a sense of commitment and become good ambassadors for BLS, both in relation to the company’s suppliers and its customers. Our flat organisational model combines responsibility with flexibility and the pursuit of low levels of centralised decision-making. We consider this to be appropriate, as most of the work is carried out in project form.

Our aim is to manufacture products that contribute to a better world
We offer products that, thanks to their design and long service life, help to both avoid pollution and conserve the earth’s resources. We are contributing to sustainable development by minimising the impact of our operations on both the local and global environment. We are achieving this through continuous improvements that are based on the commitment and motivation of all our employees. Processes and environmental work are reviewed alongside other demands when evaluating and selecting suppliers. Needless to say, we comply with applicable laws and regulations and we employ an open attitude in order to maintain transparency in relation to the public and the authorities.
We respect our local surroundings
We take pride in being an open and welcoming company with local roots. We support and encourage local businesses and are genuinely committed to protecting our home community. Here at BLS, we maintain a conscious and well-integrated environmental responsibility within the organisation, and we comply with laws and provisions regarding emissions in order to minimise the environmental impact of our operations. Our aim is to be a good representative of the community in which we operate.

Our employees are our ambassadors
Thanks to our comprehensive sustainability approach, we are a secureand reliable employer. Our work environments are of a highstandard and we encourage individual development.With us, employees enjoy opportunities for a career within the company regardless oftheir initial position.

We are only as good as our employees
To ensure a high level of job satisfaction, we offer internal trainingand mentoring. We care about our employees,because we as a company can never be better than ourworkforce as a whole. Our employees’well-being is a prerequisite for us to be able tocontinue to grow and strengthen our brand and ourofferings.

We listen to our customers
We have the privilege of enjoying close, long-term relationships with our customers. Through this collaboration, we safeguard the benefits and opportunities for growth of both parties. We always try to be responsive in order to meet the specific needs of each and every customer. Customisation is one of our strengths and is an important factor when it comes to achieving customer satisfaction. Through constant development in terms of the environment, technology, materials and safety, our customers should feel that we always represent a good choice. In order to measure perceived customer satisfaction, we continually conduct surveys.

A long-term approach builds good relationships
Here at BLS, we are striving to achieve openness, high business ethics and long-term relationships with subcontractors. We select suppliers based on their quality and delivery reliability, quite simply because this provides us with the best conditions to deliver the right product/service at the right time. A sustainable supply chain is based on quality and knowledge at all levels, as well as on a shared responsibility to comply with international conventions, laws and customer requirements. Increased collaboration is a prerequisite for joint value creation. We look after our suppliers, yet at the same time we are careful to avoid ending up in a situation of dependency that could make us vulnerable as a company.
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